Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wyatt's Auction

Wyatt is in the hospital again, seems like each time is more serious than the last. He hasn't tolerated his formula in over a week. They decided today to switch him from Neocate Jr to Elecare Jr. and started him at half strength. He began having issues with it at about 8pm they stopped it called the doc. He said to let Wyatt rest for an hour, decrease the rate and see how he does. He seems to be handling 25ml an hour way better than 50 but it's not enough to sustain him. Hoping to see GI in the morning.

This Auction started out as just a way to get help with meals and gas while we were here from some local friends, wahms, and a few Vendor friends. It EXPLODED! I mean literally! People have been donating services, items, products, offering anything and everything they can! We have photographers, Bakers, tutus, WAHM products, Cloth Diapers, and now to top off the list Scentsy and a Thirty-One Raffle!!!

Right now I feel so much love is out there for my little boy and its an amazing thing! I just wanted to thank EVERYONE who is helping even if all you do is share the auction or add your friends.

You can find the Auction here

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