Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I don't talk much about how much of a fight we have been through to get to where we are today with Wyatt. A friend posted a song on her Facebook and it drove me to really write this and finally put this into words. Constantly not knowing what is going on with Wyatt is hard, I don't mean algebra hard, I mean I have this constant fear that we will loose him. In December of 2010 we almost did due to malnutrition and dehydration and I will NEVER forget that. I will never forget seeing my son laying in my husbands arms not even able to hold his head up.

And as I sit here remembering those days, I am reminded that he is here and happy (mostly). He is a fighter, he fights every day to make his way through the world and he does it with this amazing determination. He is amazing!

The reason this is sort of coming to a head tonight is we received some news and though I suspected both pieces of the news it still was not easy to handle at all. Wyatt was diagnosed Autistic on Thursday. In a way I am glad we got the diagnosis because he will continue to receive services he needs to keep him developing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and the 2 most amazing things we have Early Headstart and his DSI. But at the same time I fear the social stigma this places on him. He will have the word "autistic" hanging over him the rest of his life! I worry what that means for him in school, wonder if he's going to go to college, get a job, move out... Just live a normal life. The alternative would be fine as well, I don't mind it but I worry about the quality of his life and it sits heavy.

The other reason is Finley my 6 month old is now following Wyatt's growth curve and has been diagnosed failure to thrive, the ped has requested genetic testing to be done. Now I am not too concerned as we have a lot more options with Finley then we did with Wyatt. I am able to add rice cereal, and olive oil to his foods to help get him gaining and he seems to be doing well with it! But again I worry, will he follow his brother completely or will us having gone through this once already make it easier for us to navigate him through this bumpy road and avoid what happened to Wyatt? Just some thing rattling in my head, all thanks to a song.

We are hanging in there, we are strong, my boys are determined!

Roo is doing amazing in School! She loves it her teachers love her, she is making friends and her behavior is better, albeit she is having sleeping issues again but we are working on adjusting her sleep schedule. She is learning to write her name already at 4, and is just so smart it's hard to keep up with her most days! I cannot wait to see her grow into her energy a bit more and it turn more from being destructive to creative!

I will post pictures of Wyatt in his new swing soon, we are still trying to figure out the best way to put it up!


  1. Lots of hugs to you! You're not alone in this, reach out for support. You're doing the best you can, and you're little guy is going to make it because of you! Amazing medical strides everyday within the medical community. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I understand. We are too with my second son :(

  2. Thank you! I am in a lot of support groups it just seemed like I needed to write it down finally.
