Monday, July 30, 2012

Sewing, sewing, and a broken toe!

When we moved it appears I broke the 2nd joint of my pinky toe and dislodge a piece of the bone into the joint and it's been grinding in the joint since. So for the next 2 weeks I will be on crutches or in a boot, yay! (note the sarcasm).

I completed and sent out all my testers for the diapers, started playing with a few different new products and will be organizing tester's for those as well so keep your eye out. The diaper testers so far have been a bit of a let down! Most are not a true one size, which I had sort of anticipated. So we changed the diaper pattern. No big deal. Now I have has 3 diapers whose cotton has began to seperate, 2 from the same person. Going to try a new way of stitching them together to see if it was a fluke, hard washer, or if they really were just defective. The elastic has been holding up very well however as has the kamsnaps. The babyville snaps I was using prior have been having issues even though they are more expensive. We are ironing out the kinks and as soon as I get more feedback we will send out a second round of testers to make sure we have fixed the problems. Please let us know if you'd like to be on the list for the second round of trainers (it's a 15 dollar fee but you can completely design you diaper). E-mail me at and I will add you to the list.

Also going to be looking for grocery bag tube testers, mama cloth testers, and breast pad testers for a minimum fee (cost of supplies). Will also be dabbling at suck pads for carriers (such as ergo, boba, etc).

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Updates all around!!!

So here is an update on the crazy goings on here lately. We moved, so now Wyatt has his own room and Riley is not causing havoc at my mom's house. Wyatt has been diagnosed with a microdeletion in his 15th chromosome. We wont know what all that means until we meet with genetics in November. We met with a dev ped who told us that Wyatt has sensory processing disorder and that while he doesn't believe Wyatt is autistic right now he is at risk. Riley appears to have not made it into headstart this year and is on a waiting list, AGAIN. Finley is growing like a weed and pretty much skipped the whole Rice cereal to stageone baby food, went right for the stage 2s and table food. Typical Singleton Boy!

That's pretty much how the past few weeks have been!